DXX Retro Tracker
Scoreboard mode
Click on a game to get detailed score board information.

D1 MythenaR
Game Name: 1v1

To use this tracker:
On Windows, configure '-tracker_hostaddr retro-tracker.game-server.cc' in d1x.ini
On Mac OS X, configure '-tracker_hostaddr retro-tracker.game-server.cc' in /Users/your_user_name/Library/Preferences/D1X Rebirth/d1x.ini

Games monitored by this tracker are archived here.
Missions can be found on DXMA

Created by: Arch
Hosting provided by PuDLeZ. Discord: PuDLeZ

Contributors listed on the GitHub Repo

Tracker backend is UP
Last page refresh: 10-22-2024-02-13-40 GMT