DXX Retro Tracker

RETRO 1.4X5 - Start time: 11-11-2017-03-45-44 GMT
Game Name: open tea time
Mission: achtung
Level Number: 1
Players: 1/8
Mode: Anarchy
Status: Archived
Joinable: Open
Show on MiniMap: N
Difficulty: Insane
Version: D1 0.58.1
Reactor Life: 50 min(s)
Max Time: n/a
Time Elapsed: 32 min(s)
Time Left: n/a
Kill Goal: n/a
Respawn Style: No Invuln
Short packets: N
Packets/sec: 30pps
Bright Ships: Y
P2P (Retro) Proto: Y
Primary Dupe: 2x
Secondary Dupe: n/a
Secondary Cap: Uncapped
Low Vulcan Ammo: N
Custom Colors: Y
Score Board
PlayerKillsDeathsSuicidesKill/Death RatioTime in Game
bernice1003712.7032 min(s)
assbutt407010.5732 min(s)
code182400.7528 min(s)
leto_ii104000.2515 min(s)
jediluke2300.671 min(s)
Detailed Score Board

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